Thursday, March 13, 2014

Looking for an idyllic university that offers tranquility and impeccable allure? Then you will be hard pressed to beat the charm of Elizade University in llara-Mokin, Ondo, State, Nigeria.
Providing a sumptuous visual feast for a first time visitor, the entire university
environment is jaw-dropping. Each structure is a miracle of imagination, the combination of which creates a picturesque of splendid beauty of a campus, just like a cluster of gems creates the corolla of a camellia flower brooch.
ln today's Nigeria where dearth of infrastructure and other myriad of challenges are the bane of university system, the coming on board of Elizade University within the context of provision of full value-chain of world class facilities for
learning and research unreservedly provides a deep sigh of relief for prospective students who are desirous of taking advantage of good university education in a very conducive ambience comparable to what obtains in the developed climes.
The combination of hugely ambitious facilities of breathtaking beauty and grandeur, coupled with its curriculum-content, structured to push the boundary of knowledge acquisition to the very edge in its avowed fidelity to excellence in every aspect, especially its world class laboratories, ICT infrastructure. seasoned academic staff members that include expatriates clearly and without a jot of doubt puts Elizade University on the path of quickly becoming a coveted
brand and a distinctive citadel of luminous lustre in academic pursuit in Africa.
The founder and visitor, Chief Michael Ade-Ojo, a foremost dealer and chairman, Toyota Nigeria Limited (TNL) is a compelling personage with a savoir fair that orbits in the class of distinction in the business world.

Widely acclaimed for his philanthropy and love for his people, his knack for excellence and details in everything he puts his hand on, ranging from his numerous business concerns to the breathtaking l8-hole golf course also etched in llara-Mokin and currently considered the best in Africa has reflected in the manner the new Elizade University is being unfurled.
It becomes a desideratum therefore to put on record for posterity, the genuine desire of Chief Michael Ade-Ojo in rescuing University Education in Nigeria from its palpable doldrums and fill in the lacunae by coming with an ideal university that will not only set the benchmark in terms of facilities and scholarship, but also comparable to the best institutions in the United States of America, continental Europe and South East Asia.
However as the founder is wont to say, his decision to establish the institution was not driven by the pulley of profit motive, but a consequence of his kindled interest and unbridled passion for high-quality-content education in our clime and service to humanity.
He strongly believes that the antidote to the current craze for university education outside the shores of the country by Nigeria youth on account of better facilities abroad will a priori require such facilities to be replicated here notwithstanding the enormous cost, hence his decision to float Elizade University.
ln this no holds bar interview with, MR. OMOLOLU ADEGBENRO, the registrar of the university, the mission, vision and values
on offer in the university were laid bare.
OLUDAISI ADETARAMI captured the entire package.
Let's meet you
I am Omololu Adegbenro, the registrar, Elizade University, Ilara-Mokin, Ondo
One can behold a world class institution here. Can we know the mission of the proprietor for establishing the school?
The mission is to produce world class graduates who will be able to compete with their peers anywhere in the world. But basically, the establishment of Elizade University, Ilara-Mokin came into being for two reasons; one, to reduce the craze for overseas education by the teeming Nigerian youth and the second one is to bring back the lost glory of university education in this country.
However the question now is, can you reduce the craze for overseas university
education by Nigerian youth and why do they even go overseas for university
education? Many of them go overseas for university education because of their belief that the facilities there are better than the ones you can find here in Nigeria. Even the teaching and the learning environment are better than what you can find in Nigeria.
And so what therefore can we do to actually reduce this craze not just by words of mouth but by action? Of course, the solution is to
reduce world class facilities that you can
find only in the world class institutions overseas like in the United State, Europe, Asia, South Africa e.t.c. And that is why in Elizade University, a lot of money has been invested on facilities. We can say without any fear of contradiction that our laboratories here in Elizade University are among the best in the world. For instance, all the equipment you will find here are supplied and installed by Eagle Scientific, a very popular company in Nottingham in the U.K. if you visit any of our laboratories be it physics, chemistry, microbiology, biology or computer science, the equipment are just wonderful. Even our language laboratory is one in town.
The proprietor recently pronounced that graduates of Elizade University would not be job seekers but job creators. Are you incorporating entrepreneurial studies into your curriculum?
That is already being included into the curriculum. in Elizade University, there is what we call internship programme for our students what I mean by internship is that, as a student of Elizade University, compulsorily, you spend between one and a half months to two months in an industry every long vacation. So we don’t want a situation where students will go home, sit down for two months doing nothing. We attach them to industries such that by the time they are leaving the university; they go straight to the industries. What we are trying to achieve here is that by the time they are attached to the industries, they gain experience, they are exposed and by the time they graduate and get jobs to do, nothing is strange to them anymore. That is one aspect of it. So it is not impossible that even before some of them graduate, they would have gotten jobs because the founder of the university himself is an industrialist, who knows where to cast his net in order to catch a lot of fishes.
Again, compulsorily, the National University Commission has said that every university must introduce entrepreneurial study. So it is not a question of I've come here to study chemistry and chemistry alone I will study. Apart from chemistry, you should also be able to do one or two other things. For instance, all the bricks that were used on this campus to construct most of these building were actually produced on this campus. We have two adavom machines on this campus and each of the machines can produce four thousand blocks in a day. We are going to introduce skill acquisition programmes like cobbling, hairdressing e.t.c into our curriculum. Only recently, I was discussing with one of our senior lecturers in human resource management who is a Canadian and she said part of what she is doing now is to give the students an assignment in the area of environmental management and that it is going to constitute 30% of whatever they are going to do this semester. With this, They will be able to come up with practical solution to waste disposal or waste management on campus because we don't want to generate waste without knowing what to do with the waste.

                                                                             Adegbenro, Registrar Elizade University

Again, part of what we want to be noted for here in Elizade University is to be
The cleanest university in Nigeria and how can we achieve that? It is not only the staff that should be involve the students right from day one and that is why the course is being introduced. So, here in Elizade University, we want to create a total being, a total man and a total woman. It is not going to be based on the paper qualification that you carry upon graduation; we want to see that trait in you that you actually attended Elizade University. For instance by the time we start mechanical engineering, of which we have already developed the curriculum, as a student of mechanical engineering, you must compulsorily spend at least six months in Tokyo, Japan. So when you graduate as a mechanical engineer and you are driving and your car develops a fault on the road, you must be able to fix it without actually calling on roadside mechanic who never went to school to help you out. Again we are going to introduce a programme called tourism and hospitality management. We have an 18-hole golf course here which has been adjudged to be the best in Africa. There is no way a student of tourism and hospitality management in Elizade University will not interface with the golf course, and of course, there is going to be a five star hotel on the golf course. So these are some of the things we have put in place here.
Can we know the know the number of available courses in the university at the moment?
Thank you, we are starting with two faculties, the faculty of basic and applied sciences and the faculty of humanities and management sciences. In the faculty of basic and applied sciences, we have three departments; department of mathematics and computer science where you have mathematics as an option as well as computer science as an option. We have the department of biological sciences where you have biology as an option, then micro biology as in option, making six programmers. In the faculty of humanities and management sciences, we have three departments as well. The first one is history and language where you have history and diplomatic studies as an option, then English language as an option. There is the department of administration where you have human resources management, office and information management as well as business administration as option. Then you have department of accounting and finance you have banking and finance as well as accounting as options. So we are starting with two faculties and thirteen programmes.
Again, just as the proprietor said recently that the primary motive of setting up this institution is not for profit making per se, but for the advancement of humanity, can we know the fees charged per student in a session?
Thank you, here in Elizade University, if we want to charge fees that are commensurate with what we’ve provided here in terms of facilities, we will be charging about two million naira per student. But just because the university is motivated by profit like the founder has always said, what we are charging here is N700,000 per annum with world class hostel facilities and two students in a room. Here in this university, we have spent over N350 Million on ICT and of course you can see the structures as I had earlier spoken on the equipment in the laboratories. Now talking about the academics and instructors, as I speak now, we have five expatriates who are members of our faculty, two of them from the U.K, one from South Africa, one from Hong Kong and one from Ontario, Canada and we are paying them especially because they are expatriates in spite of the fact that we are a university that is just taking off. Again, we also have seven professors, not adjunct and not visiting, they are professors who are on our pay roll. Because we want to make a difference, that is why in our classrooms, we have interactive boards. You only can teach in those classrooms power point presentations. And that is to tell you that power is available here twenty-four hours. We have three 500 KVA generators and they are synchronized. Once there is power outage from PHCN, the generators automatically switch on. And look at our cafeteria, it is splendid and that is why our students are quite happy. If you talk of recreation, the sporting facilities are there. Again, even as a young university that is just taking off, in our staff quarters, we have made provision for forty-five families’ right here on campus. All the classrooms have air conditioners and all the laboratories also have air conditioners. So without being immodest, you can only find these kind of facilities in the U.K or in America.

As you have started with two faculties, is it on yearly basis that you will be adding more or you will want to make do with the courses you have now for sometime?
Yes. It is on yearly basis that we will be adding faculties. But let me tell you that in the current academic session 2013/2014, we are going to have engineering. We are already working on that. We are going to have engineering with emphasis on civil, electrical-electronics and mechanical. Those are the three engineering courses we want to start with. Then, we are introducing mass communication. We are also bringing in economics, then, tourism and hospitality management as I mentioned earlier. These are the new programmes we are introducing this academic session.

One of the vices in the Nigerian educational system is the issue of cultism. What efforts are you putting in place to discourage students from embracing cultism even right from the formative period of this institution?
Thank You. We just ended our orientation a few days ago with a visit to some places of interest including Idanre hills. One of the topics we examined critically was the issue of cultism. In fact we brought in two resource persons to talk to the students on the dangers involved if you become a cultist. In addition to that, we have even prepared a form for them to fill and also an affidavit which will be sworn to in a competent court of law. If you are caught to be involved in cultism or encourage membership, which means that not only when you are caught as a member but also if you encourage membership, you will be shown the way but. In fact, that is clearly spelt out in the students’ handbook which we have made available to all the students. So when you are caught, the only solution is expulsion, not rustication because if you are rusticated, that can only be for one semester, at most one session. So it is outright dismissal. It doesn’t matter ever if you are a governor’s son or daughter or even a son of the founder of this university. A law is a law and law is not a respecter of anybody. So we have taken that with all seriousness and thank God that all our students will live on campus and by so doing, we have capable members of staff with enormous experience in university administration who have been in a way asked to look after the welfare of these kids. Even as a registrar, I visit the hostels everyday. Once I close from office, I make sure I visit the hostels before I go home. Then the issue of mentorship is there. Every student of Elizade University has a mentor. And who are these mentors;? They are the members of staff. Even as registrar, I have the phone numbers of all the students on this campus. We want to make a difference and by the grace of God we will make the difference.
One of the ways of attaining excellence by modern institutions is to have synergy with successful foreign institutions by way of collaboration. Are you having this arrangement in the making?
Thank you very much. We have started. As a matter of fact I was supposed to go the United States in Nov ember 2012, but because of the admission drive I could not go and we are now looking at the most auspicious time for me and a few other officials of the university to go. So we are already making arrangements to have collaboration with some universities abroad. For example two people have visited a university in Israel on behalf of our university and they are ready for us. There are some universities in the US like Corneal and others that are ready. As soon as the issue of matriculation is over, we would be able to travel and formalize the arrangements with these universities by signing memoranda of understanding with the various universities. So that is in the offing because if we want to achieve the status of a world class university we can not achieve that by remaining here in Nigeria and not associating with those universities out there that have made it over the years.
Serious research is a co-efficient of rapid technological advancement of any nation. What is going to be your take in this area?
In fact any university that does not engage in research is dead and such can not be referred to as a university. Any university exists for three reasons, teaching, research and community service. And of course, you cannot teach effectively if you don't do research. It is the research that will bring out new ideas and innovations. And in any case, even for academic staff here, they must do good research. So research is going to be taken seriously here. As a matter of fact we are already allocating some money for research which we call research grant. And again, for us to be known as a world class institution research must be key. Any good enough, the vice chancellor is a well known researcher. Even when he was in FUTA, he was able to win about $7.5 million research grant to that university from the World Bank and today, FUTA is regarded as a centre of excellence in food security. He made that happened and I am sure he can do more here as the vice chancellor now. We have a crop of lecturers who are dedicated and who are research oriented and of course, the students will have no choice than to follow suit and before you know it, our students here in Elizade University will be good researchers as well.
What message /advice do you have for parents looking for good universities for their wards?
Well my advice is that people should not rely on sending their wards to public universities where they will not have to pay. That is the trend in Nigeria today. If you have your ward in a public university where you don't have to pay a dime, whether the child is taught or not, you can't challenge anybody because you are not paying. So whether the lecturers attend classes or not there is little you as a parent can do. But here in Elizade University for instance where student pay, no lecturer can afford to mess up. And as a matter of fact, at the end of each semester in Elizade University student will be made to assess their lecturers. So when the lecturers are aware that they will be assessed by the students at the end of the semester, they will want to sit up because no lecturer wants to be assessed poorly by students. If as a lecturer, you have forty students in a class and at the end of the assessment; thirty-five of them are saying you don't teach well, the management would have to invite you for a chat and if by the second semester the situation is still the same, then you would have to be shown the way out because you are paid for a purpose, to deliver to those students and if you are not delivering, why do we have to keep you here? So these are things parents should know. When you invest in your child's education you are only investing in your future. You are doing yourself a lot of good by investing in the future. For instance, if a child graduates from Elizade University with the kind of facilities here, then of course that child is going to be different from a child that graduated from a nearby public university where cultism is the order of the day. And part of the root causes of cultism in most public universities today is because they cannot accommodate more than 15% of the students on campus, 85o/o are outside there and so you cannot control their movement. So that is the difference.

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