Monday, February 10, 2014

About African Education Monitor Magazine

The African Education Monitor Magazine is a monthly, magazine published in
Lagos Nigeria that has as mandate; reportage of issues bordering on education across the continent of Africa.
It is an incontrovertible fact today that education as an important sector has not been receiving its fair share of media attention in news and editorials of conventional media platforms in Africa. And this ought not to be the case if one takes into consideration the indispensability of education as having direct and undeniable bearing on the overall development and transformation of any society. So bearing in mind the agenda setting capacity of the media to influence and inform among others, policy formulations at institutional levels, African Education Monitor Magazine was born to fill in the lacunae on the scooping and dissemination of news strictly on education on the continent of Africa.
African Education Monitor serves as a conveyor belt of incisive information on issues that are education related. In this regard, the magazine focuses on general education news, special interviews with major players in the education sector like policy makers and heads of institutions.
Besides doing special spotlights on institutions of learning, research institutes, intervention agencies, education summits and the likes, the magazine also organizes seminars, workshops and public lectures at intervals on topical issues on education.
As a communication platform for disseminating news and ideas of remarkable intellectual contents, African Education Monitor primarily aims at being at home in the circles of academics in institutions of learning, policy makers, think tank groups and general discerning readers who crave updates on trends in education in various African countries.
The magazine is distributed by subscription and through other outlets like newsstands, placement in public libraries, libraries of higher institutions of learning and complimentary copies given out to heads of agencies, policy formulators and other relevant bodies in the education sector.
It presently circulates in Nigeria and some African countries.

About the African Education Monitor’s Awards
As an inevitable corollary of creating a template of excellence in adding value to issues bordering on education, the African Education Monitor Awards platform was also born.
The primary focus of the Awards platform is to recognize and reward excellence and of course to pay homage to the resilience and creative capacity of individuals who have upped the ante in the area of education.
In this age when genuine reformers with sincerity of purpose, uncommon vision, focus and olympian fortitude are bred less frequently, it becomes a desideratum to identify and celebrate those that are making their visible marks in the task of societal transformation even if only to create a sense of desire for others to emulate their noble deeds.
Since education is the fulcrum and lifebelt of any society and the pulley that drives civilization, African Education Monitor’s Awards platform was instituted to at intervals honour outstanding individuals and institutions who have made immense contributions to the development of education in Africa so that the continent can hop-scotch from under development to a knowledge-driven and developed one.
The African Education Monitor Awards platform is not a frivolous one judging by the standards and pedigree that African Education Monitor Magazine seeks to be premised. It is a noble platform with a value-based sense of factor.

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